The differences.

I am often asked, ‘What is the difference between Mat Pilates and Yoga classes?’

Both Pilates and Yoga are low-impact exercises, and while there are many differences, here are a couple of what I believe to be really important. When practicing Yoga, you typically adopt a position and hold it, or flow into a different position. In Pilates, you adopt a position and then challenge your core by moving your arms or legs.

Another really important emphasis is the breath. Yogic breathing involves using the nose to inhale and exhale in a rhythmic pattern to focus the mind inward. You focus on breathing deep into your belly. Pilates breathing involves inhaling through the nose and out through the mouth to maintain an activated core, focusing the breath outward to the physical body. The breathing is focused laterally (expanding the ribcage).

Which is best for you?

If you want to increase your strength and flexibility, Pilates might be the better choice. If you want to improve your overall wellness, you might choose yoga. Still, much depends upon the particular classes available to you and the skills and qualifications of the instructors.

Yoga is appropriate for men, but some men feel that they are not flexible enough for it. Certain poses have different effects on men and women, but both men and women can benefit from practicing yoga. It is always great to see a mixed class but one to one classes can certainly allow anyone who is feeling a little self conscious to work at their own pace.

Forward your enquiries to or to book a 1:1 private Pilates session with Georgia.

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